Be Safe Online

Beaware from online fraud.

  • Phishing is a technique employed by scamsters to illegally procure personal information like account numbers, internet banking user IDs and passwords, etc.

  • The most frequently-used method is to send a spam email to a large database of email IDs, say, all gmail IDs or all yahoo IDs. The spam email is designed in such a way as to look exactly like an email sent by the targeted company/bank.

  • The email simply asks the recipient to click on a link and enter their user ID and password. Different techniques are used to lure the recipient to click on the link: validation of account information, threat of account suspension, etc.

  • Never click on any such link or enter your login ID and password without verifying the authenticity of the web page.

  • Freelancer Matrimony does not ask for personal security details like your Internet banking details or phone banking passwords on the email, phone, or otherwise. Never disclose your passwords to anyone, even to the bank's staff. In case you get an email or a phone call asking your personal security details or a bank staff approaches you to disclose your password, please report to us.

  • You may receive letters/emails from foreign entities/individuals claiming to offer huge amounts of money in foreign currency, on the pretext of helping you in your business/ venture.

  • RBI does not maintain any account in the name of individuals/companies/trusts in India to hold funds for disbursal and it cautions you against such offers.

  • Do not participate in lottery-like schemes functioning under different names, such as money circulation scheme, or remittances for the purpose of securing prize money/awards, etc. These are prohibited under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.

  • The Reserve Bank of India has advised members of public not to fall prey to fictitious offers for release of cheap funds claimed to have been remitted by overseas entities to banks in India/Reserve Bank of India.